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Staying Safe with Heating Oil – Safety Tips for Residential & Commercial Customers

Heating oil is a reliable and efficient fuel source for both residential and commercial properties. However, like any energy source, it must be handled with care to ensure safety. As the temperatures drop and heating systems work overtime, taking proactive steps to maintain your heating oil tank and system is crucial. At Gerner Energy, we’re […]


5 Tips for a Stress-Free Heating Season

There’s nothing more frustrating than your heating system breaking down right when you need it the most. Since it functions continuously behind the scenes, it’s one of those things that often goes unnoticed until there’s a problem — a really noticeable one.  Luckily for you, saving money on fuel and properly maintaining equipment are our […]


5 Easy Ways to Save Money on Fuel

Even though heating oil and propane prices naturally fluctuate, that doesn’t mean you can’t save money on each tank refill — and it’s often easier than you might think. Here are the top 5 quickest and easiest ways to save money on fuel. 5. Switch to Automatic Heating Oil Delivery If you’re currently a Will-Call […]


Secure Your Power Supply: The Benefits of Home Generators

We’re more dependent on an uninterrupted power supply now more than ever. With more people working from home and much of our daily lives being governed by electric-powered tools and communications systems, even small-scale outages threaten significant disruptions these days. Enter home generators: a solution to protecting your home’s power supply from outages and other […]


How to Deal With Heating Oil Tank Condensation

If you have a heating oil tank on your property, understanding potential issues like condensation is important for your comfort, your safety, and your wallet. Here’s what you need to know and how we can help. What is oil tank condensation? Heating oil tank condensation is a sludge-like substance that forms on the tank’s walls […]


What Type of Generator is Best for Home Use?

Generators are a great piece of equipment for homeowners to invest in. In the event that your home loses power due to a bad storm or an essential power line is compromised, generators are designed to automatically kick in and restore the lost power. There are four types of generators categorized by the type of […]